Saturday, August 11, 2012

Celebrity Hairstyles for Short Hair

Pictures of Short Bob Hairstyle - Celebrity Bob Haircut Ideas
Have you been thinking about changing your hairstyle?  Have you been looking to celebrity hairstyles for inspiration?  If so, you may be thinking about a short haircut.  If your hair is currently long, you may be nervous about making this type of a drastic change.  With advances in today�s hair care products, there really is no reason to be worried.  The following tips and tricks will help you to confidently show off your new do.

Short hair does have its benefits; it is easy to care for, doesn�t take long to style before leaving the house and perhaps best of all, short hair allows you to show off the sassy side of your personality.  While this all may be true, it isn�t necessarily easy to accomplish. Thankfully styling aids can rescue you from short hair styling issues.  Since shorter locks are in, there are a million and one products on store shelves that are made just for that length.

Any type of shampoo and conditioner can be used on short hair, as it tends to be strong and healthy all of the time.

Depending upon the celebrity hairstyles that you are using as an inspiration, you may desire a sleek short style or a fluffed up do.  With the products on the market today, either of these wonderful hairstyles can be created using basically the same tools.  After washing the hair, blow dry it but leave it damp, run a little bit of hair putty through your hair with your fingers.  Now it is time to choose the hairstyle.  If you are looking for sleek, finish blow-drying (on low) while brushing the hair continuously.  This will produce the smooth type of celebrity hairstyles that you are going for.

If you are looking for the latter look of fun and sassy, you will make just a few changes in this technique.  After running the hair putty through damp hair, it will be time to blow dry (again on low) and brush the hair in several different directions.  After you have the look you are seeking, try lightly spraying the hair with a maximum hold hair spray.  This should hold your celebrity hairstyles just right for the entire day.

Short is not a hair length that everyone can pull off, but if you are one of the lucky few, it is well worth the try.

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